List of Superfoods for Women That Nutritionists Recommend (2025)

Women, regardless of their age, need to pay special attention to their health. There is this heartening trend of them becoming more health conscious and trying to incorporate the right kind of food into their diets that heal, build, and protect. 

In this post, we share some superfoods for women that we’ve benefitted from and that have been recommended by experts.

Best superfoods for women to include 

Here are some superfoods that women should include in their diet in 2025:

  1. Edamame – The soybean pods that are bursting with the goodness of fiber, good fats, and estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones work like magic during menopause, for example, to help cool hot flashes.
  2. Kale –  These green leaves have Vitamin K, which along with calcium and vitamin D keeps the bones strong and healthy. One serving packs a punch of more than 20% of the daily recommended doses of vitamins A and C.
  3. Asparagus – A half cup of this covers a third of all the vitamin K  you need for the day. It also has folate, which helps to prevent birth defects like spina bifida.
  4. Beans – Lots of protein and high in fiber, and without the fat, these beans can lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate- all things that can lead to heart disease that is increasingly becoming the No. 1 reason for fatalities in women.
  5. Grapefruit – The flavonoids in them and less sugar, help lower the risk of certain kinds of strokes in women. They are good for heart health. However, they may not be a good combination with some of your medications, so it’s important to check with your doctor before putting them on the menu.
  6. Berries and Cherries – Purple, red, and blue, the antioxidants in them help protect healthy cells from damage. They keep the brain sharper as you get older. The vitamin C in them helps to build collagen that keeps the skin smooth and firm.
  7. Papaya – Rich in beta carotene and lycopene, they lower your chances of getting cervical and breast cancers. A good source of antioxidants too, they keep blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels and help to prevent heart diseases.
  8. Plain, low-fat yogurt- Our bodies need more calcium after the age of 50. Find the one that is enriched with vitamin D for better mineral absorption and get yourself more than a third of your daily calcium needs from just 8 ounces of it.
  9. Sardines – They are a storehouse of healthy fatty acids, vitamin D, and calcium. The omega-3 fats in them help improve the quality of breast milk. They have less mercury than most other fish.
  10. Flaxseed – Ground flaxseed is bursting with fiber and lignans, a plant compound that acts like estrogen. It can lower your risk of getting some kinds of cancers, including breast cancer. In its oil form, it’s a good source of omega-3s but without cancer-fighting properties. You need to check with your doctor before adding them to your diet as it can affect how some medications work.
  11. Walnuts – Packed with healthy fatty acids, they may prevent cancer as part of a healthy diet. Crush them and use them as a topping for yogurt.
  12. Avocado – They are full of good fat. Avocado-rich diets have been shown to help get rid of belly fat and protect your eyes and skin. They lower ‘ bad’ cholesterol and boost ‘ good’ cholesterol.
  13. Sweet Potato – They are a complete package with copper, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and iron. They are just as full of beta carotene, an A+ source of vitamin A. They keep the lungs of little babies healthy and strong during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  14. Spinach – A rich source of folate, this one has not just prenatal perks but also lowers the chances of getting dementia, heart disease, and colon cancer. Spinach has folate in spades, and lutein too. This antioxidant protects the lens and retina in your eye. Additionally, it can help ward off wrinkles too.
  15. Beef Liver – This one beats rich folate sources like spinach and black-eyed peas by a big margin. Excellent source of folate and folic acid it is.
  16. Lean Beef – Red meats are great sources of iron. Women need iron more than men do, especially after the age of 18. Beef gives you not just iron but also zinc and vitamin B. However, red meats should be eaten in moderation to avoid getting uterine fibroids.
  17. Dark Chocolate – It alleviates the mood and eases mood swings. It keeps the heart healthy. It contains magnesium, which helps in dealing with menstrual cramps. The antioxidants help combat UV damage to the skin. Improved brain function and lowered risk of diabetes make it a must-have in your diet, daily. However, if you have any medical condition, consult a doctor before including it in your meal plan.
  18. Turmeric – This golden magic has antioxidants that ease inflammation and promote healthy skin. It supports hormonal imbalances, reducing symptoms of PMS. Turmeric also helps with digestion and relieves gastrointestinal discomfort. It is immunity-boosting and helps ward off infections.
  19. Almonds – A handful of almonds makes a heart-healthy diet. Rich in magnesium, it helps to reduce bloating and support overall muscle function. It helps in weight- management by providing healthy fats and protein. As a quick snack, it gives sustained energy. The antioxidants in them promote heart health and reduce oxidative stress.
  20. Oats – They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. For lactating mothers, they are a boon. Quick to make, they help with increasing the milk supply.
  21. Ginger – This one is an inflammation buster. It supports digestion, relieves gas and nausea, and even supports weight loss.
  22. Pumpkin seeds – One-fourth cup of pumpkin seeds gives you nearly 50% of your daily magnesium needs.  They are loaded with fiber, plant-based protein, omega-3 fats, and nutrients like copper, iron, zinc, and vitamins A and B. In combination with vitamin B6, it helps ease PMS-induced mood changes. They are found useful in reducing breast tenderness and headaches, regulating blood sugar, and reducing food cravings. It is also a natural muscle relaxer and helps alleviate cramps during periods.

Also read: The Best Women’s Health Apps We Recommend Downloading Now


These are just some of the superfoods out there that can make living so much healthier for women. 

In the near future, we will get advice from health experts who can further make your journey to being healthy, smoother, and aligned with your individual health needs. 

Stay tuned for more interesting data and subscribe to ‘She Can Hustle’.

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